A business major, entrepreneur, and Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner. Bryan is the innovator and dedicated to trying to find peace for all patients, especially adolescents. BryanK@arrive.clinic
Currently at Kansas City Art Institue. Understands the struggles of many and keeps the assessments real and without the offense of standardized forms
Teen advisor for user experience. Aspiring Psychology major interested in Mental Health field.
SiteRocket Labs came to our rescue to help turn ideas into function. On time, on budget, and a pleasure to create with.
Amazingly creative and reliable platform. Enables our creativity and lets us incorporate intuitive logic. We have over seventy assessments, each with 100 questions. That's 7,000 different steps we have created and managed in their platform- and they flow without issues, and in HIPPA protected ways.
A talented and loving group with multiples of their valued inputs helping guide this project. You will find our parents, siblings, and children guiding assessments.
I'm very fortunate.
Transmission Mental Health, a 501c3 nonprofit. Adolescent Inclusive Intakes. Ages 13-17. A nonprofit to help meet the original goal of the project which was to make this available for all patients in this age group. We wouldn't sleep at night knowing a teen didn't get to use an Inclusive Intake because their clinic couldn't afford it to pay for it. So this is operated with a goal of accessibility, especially those underrepresented.
History- we started as Visual Evaluations Inc. but after the 'me too movement', a visual evaluation certainly didn't sound right, so we transitioned over to Inclusive Intakes umbrella of services.
We want to show, in our own small way, what Inclusion really looks like in health care. Patients in mental health are asking to see "someone like me" and "someone who has walked in my shoes". As we all know though, there is a woeful lack of providers of diversity. For example, it is estimated only 2-5% of psychiatrists identify as 'black' or 'African American'. We wish it were as simple as just hiring more providers of diversity- but there is a severe shortage. This is a sad reality. Recruitment and bidding wars for providers of diversity doesn't get anyone more providers, it just means moving around existing providers, many times actually away from communities of diversity. Schools and Clinics are all working towards recruiting and 'growing' a diverse group of providers, but it is honestly going to take many years in mental health before there is enough diversity to go around. Even if we recruit someone to start med school today to become a licensed psychiatrist, it's going to be 8 years before they can hang up that diploma. What can we do TODAY? We can let you pick your 'guide' today, maybe someone you identify with. It's not 'the answer' and we don't pretend it's the solution, but it is a start.
A collision of ideas in Bryan's head.
The pandemic ushered in the era of telehealth and a new way of communicating is evolving. It can be wonderful from the accessibility side as patients can do their visit anytime and anywhere. But it can also be frustrating clicking into new patient visit and finding my patient sitting in their hot car, on break from work, on a poor data connection, and I have absolutely no history on them. It would be an awkward game of 50 questions over a bad connection just to get a partial history. I was frustrated, there had to be a way to get information from the patient to me before the visit. I'm the kind who would daydream about cloning myself into their phone to ask questions before the visit. I dreamed of a report it would generate to get me off with a good start with charting. I wanted to engage and actively listen with my patients, not have to focus on charting what they were telling me.
Relating to the patient- Yes, I’m one of those who was always telling teens to put their phones away during a visit. But post pandemic, I’ve had to reconsider this as many adolescents seem to have lost the desire or ability to verbally answer questions. It’s a real struggle getting answers out them over video. I could ‘connect’ in person, but that seems to be gone with video visits. I realized I needed to change over from fighting them about their phone to embracing it- if that is what it takes to communicate these days- then I need to meet them where they are at.
Solution- I worked out that way to clone myself into their phone with a pretty amazing web app to ask them questions and I worked the technology to get it to generate that report I wanted in the charting. Then then since so many patients were asking for providers of diversity with 'shared experiences', I thought about giving the patients a choice of guides ...... and Inclusive Intakes was born!
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